Sunday, August 17, 2008

late afternoon colors

Late one afternoon Sandra and I were scouting Dalton, GA, for scenic spots to capture on canvas. We had driven around in West Hill Cemetery --- yes, cemetery --- and found several promising sites. I spotted this unusual tree beside the little stone chapel. I don't know whether it was the late afternoon sun or the type of tree, but the colors seemed super-saturated. The tree limbs appeared a bright red while the leaves were amazing shades of lime. Some of the shadows were creeping in and showing themselves a cool blue. It was a wonderful sight for an artist.
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Deborah Wilson said...

This is a beautiful tree - I'd like to have one myself. I don't know what kind it is, but I'll ask some of the ladies who are garden experts - they might know.

bj said...

Thanks for your comment, Deborah. This was the last photo I took just before leaving that afternoon. The tree seemed to absolutely glow. It was like "now or never" to capture the spirit.